Shah Rukh Khan is all set to take the small screen by storm. The Bollywood 'Badshah' will soon be seen on a grand new show as part of his association with new Hindi general entertainment channel &TV.
Shah Rukh has been roped in by the channel for a big show, which will be aired on & TV.
SRK was present at the grand unveiling in Mumbai today. SRK shook his leg on stage and showed some of his signature steps. He also mentioned that if he ever returns to TV, he would like to work in a thriller series.
The 49-year-old started his showbiz career from TV-- via fiction shows like "Fauji" and "Circus". After becoming an indomitable star in Hindi filmdom, the actor kept his strings attached to TV through reality shows like "Kaun Banega Crorepati", "Kya Aap Paanchvi Paas Se Tez Hain", "Zor Ka Jhatka" and "Dil Se Naachein Indiawaale".