The South Korean government has appointed Indian Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan as its ‘Goodwill Ambassador for Public Diplomacy’ on April 11, 2014. At a function in Gugaon near New Delhi he was conferred the post.
The Korean government had initiated the public diplomacy agenda ‘The Goodwill Ambassador for Public Diplomacy’ in 2012 based on the importance of the public diplomacy in the global times. In the span of the last two years movie stars from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Brunei were conferred this post.
Shah Rukh Khan is not only Bollywood’s iconic star but is known in the automotive industry for his role in promoting Hyundai Motor India’s Santro car when it was first introduced in the country many years back. He was the brand ambassador for the company and his endorsement did wonders to the sale of the Hyundai small car. Later he endorsed several car models for Hyundai Motor India.
Incidentally, the role of the Goodwill Ambassador is interesting as the person is entitled to enjoy the privilege of honour as Goodwill Ambassador and has a chance to visit Korea by the invitation of the Korean Government once during his two years tenure.
The Ambassador also plays a constructive role in enhancing the friendship and bilateral relations between Korea and India by attending important events such as National Day Reception, etc. At the event held in Gurgaon, several officials of the Korean Embassy, along with Indian government officials from the Ministry of External Affairs and Indian Council for Cultural Relations were present.
Bo Shin Seo, Managing Director of Hyundai Motor India gave a congratulatory message while the Korean envoy to India Joongyu Lee spoke during the occasion.
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